Claim Your Happiness Today!

By Jessica Swanson

"The best way to secure future happiness is to be as happy as is rightfully possible today."-Charles W. Eliot

Tomorrow will be better. Tomorrow I will be happy. Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow! Once the bills are paid off and the job isn’t so stressful…then I’ll be happy. Everywhere you look there seems to be another stressful situation in your life. Here’s the problem: tomorrow your bills may be paid off and your job may be less stressful, but there WILL be another hurdle blocking your path to happiness. There always is.

What are you waiting for? Life is always going to be filled with little disappointments and frustrations. There’s no question about it. But, you need to know that until you decide to be happy today, you have no chance for happiness tomorrow.

This is your life. Look all around you and let that soak in. Your finances, your job, your relationships…all of it is your life right now. And so you have a choice to make. You can either wish and yearn for happiness someday, or seize it today.

Stop focusing on everything in your life that makes you sad and depressed. Do not give these parts so much attention! They certainly do not deserve your time and energy. When you focus on the stack of bills, the piles of laundry, the job that you didn't receive, you will continue to feel a sense of hopeless despair.

Instead focus on all the wonder and beauty that surround you. It is everywhere. You may have to look hard…but, you will find it. Give your single-minded attention to all the things that make you smile. Look at the tulips pushing through the ground in spring; focus on the wonderful night-out with your friend; appreciate when you are able to curl up with a good book and cup of hot chocolate. These are the events that deserve your attention.

The only way to guarantee happiness tomorrow is to consciously choose happiness today. That's right, it really is up to you. The external events in your life will always be there pushing against your hopes for peace and happiness. Don't allow them to push so forcefully into your life! You are in charge, not the outside world.

Stop thinking about tomorrow. Stop hoping that tomorrow will be better. Instead, be content with your life today, no matter what that life may look like.

Then, something miraculous will will find your happiness patiently waiting for you tomorrow!

Jessica Swanson is the author of Learn to Be Happy! To find out more about her happiness tips, tools and research, and to sign up for her FREE happiness e-zines, visit

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