Rhode Island Divorce Tip - A Checklist Helps

By Christopher Pearsall

A Rhode Island Divorce filing has it's own forms and its own procedure. It can help to have all the forms you need. All the forms you need to file your Rhode Island Divorce Action from any of the Family Court Clerk's Offices.

So what are the typical Rhode Island Divorce Forms you'll need?

1. Summons Form (in Duplicate)

2. Complaint Form

3. Nominal Track Notice Form

4. Notice of Automatic Orders

5. Family Court Statement Listing Children of the Marriage (in Duplicate)

6. Family Services Counseling Unit Form

7. Rhode Island Department of Health Report of Divorce Form

8. Family Court Statement of Assets, Liabilities, Income and Expenses (DR-6)

9. Affidavit of Non-Military Service (if the Defendant Does not Appear).

There are other forms that are necessary in your checklist depending upon the length of the process. Hopefully your divorce process will be short. Let's assume for the sake of argument that you have a very agreeable divorce that leads up to a 10 minute Nominal Hearing where everything is agreed to and is just formally placed upon the record of the court. In that instance your checklist expands as follows:

10. You must prepare an Interlocutory Decision Pending Entry of Final Judgment that must be checked by one of the clerks of court for the vital case information and then ordered (signed) by the Judge and Entered by the Clerk. This is the temporary order of the court that governs the parties before the entry of the Final Judgment of Divorce and should mirror what the judge orders at your nominal hearing.

11. After the expiration of the 91 day waiting period by statute the Judge may then sign a Final Judgment of Divorce which again is checked by the clerk, ordered by the judge and then entered by the clerk to finalize your divorce. The final judgment would, with minor exceptions, mirror the temporary order.

Keep in mind that this is just a basic checklist and details change with each case. Most assuredly Paragraphs #10 and #11 pose the greatest challenge to those people who are representing themselves as well as attorneys who are not well versed in verbage necessary to protect their clients, to include on the record, and insure are in the temporary order and final decree.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not legal advice. You should not take legal action without legal advice from a licensed practitioner who has been fully informed about your specific circumstances.

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