Enjoy the Precious Moments of Your Life - Be Happy All the Time

By Christina Sponias

When you must be serious because you are facing dangerous and painful situations, you cannot really enjoy anything until your problems are solved. Therefore, don't delay solving your problems! If your problems are not so serious and you only face the common problems of daily life in a city or elsewhere, you can always be happy by enjoying all the moments of your life.

You may dislike many parts of your daily routine such as when you are returning home from work and there is too much chaos in the streets, when you have to clean your house and whenever you do tiring things. However, you can surely enjoy the moments you do like and pay more attention to these, and also have an attitude based on humor and goodness that will help you positively face all the small problems of daily life.

Do you have the tendency to want to finish all your work first before you can relax? This is good because you must be organized and you will surely feel better if you can first finish with the obligations and then rest without worries. This is fine, but how long will you going to work non-stop and always be in a hurry to finish everything? Not to mention hungry and tired?

Wait a minute! If you are the type that even forgets lunch when you have too much work, when do you live? Do you have the time to live and to do several other things more important than that? If you have too much to do, take a break. If you are always anxious about when you will finally finish working, you don't enjoy your work and when you will finally be able to rest your back will be broken and you won't have any appetite to enjoy your food.

Enjoy everything you can! Enjoy your work, studies or whatever you are doing. Do everything in an enjoyable manner whenever possible and try to transform many silly moments of your routine into precious moments, even when you feel you cannot give them such a shape. In the same company, one employee works with a smile and is kind and friendly with the customers while another one works with his eyes on the watch, waiting to leave and always trying to avoid working too much. Who feels better? Which one of them would you like to be?

If you are the lazy type, make a plan and try to do many things you like during the day. Always keep yourself occupied with something important and nice, in addition to all the other things you have to do but you don't like. Organize your life, so that you enjoy all its good moments and try to have many moments like these, instead of simply passing through them.

How do you define happiness? Is it an eternal state of absolute satisfaction?

This is not possible on Earth. Happiness is a collection of many priceless moments.

Remember the best, funniest and most memorable moments of your life. Think about their importance in the history of your life. Without them, your life would be an empty tunnel without variation. However, only with them you would never learn the most important truths, which are very serious and demand sobriety from you.

Happiness is a puzzle of many tiny pieces that form a general picture, where suffering and pain also exist because they are important parts of the design. They give shape to the other parts that are free and have no meaning by themselves, unless you learn something with their existence. Accept suffering when necessary, but try to be happy whenever you can, for any reason you may find.

Be very happy when your coffee is just the way you like it, when you unexpectedly meet someone you knew on the street. Show joy, be warm! Make this moment important for you.
Don't be a cold person who has no time and doesn't remember anything. Be friendly! Be generous and kind! You'll like it very much yourself, besides giving joy to the others that will be well received by you.

Pay attention to the moments when you can transform routine into a precious time or transform something that could be good only if you would give it a special tune, into one of the best experiences of your life!

Whenever you can, do something special to make yourself happy. Everyday, think about the reasons you have to be happy. Everything can give you a little bit of pleasure and joy if you learn to pay attention to what is good and savor it. Mark this time in your life. Say to yourself, "Now I am alive!" "I'm going to remember this moment..." Sometimes, a very good meal, a very pleasant afternoon or simply a fine day without anxiety is enough to make you very happy.

Always pay attention to your happy moments! Moreover, if they are not so happy, give them another outlook with your humor and your good disposition. You can transform everything, depending on the way you judge your reality. Be optimistic, focus on what is pleasant and good and be very grateful for your precious moments when they appear in your path.

This way, when you put together all the pieces of the puzzle, you'll see that your life had many happy moments and that all the little happy moments together give you a very great happiness because of their existence!

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Christina_Sponias

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