Kinds Acts Promote Happiness

By Vince Chiles

Little things can and do make a big difference. It's often a thank you or please that can make someone's day. A smiling face can change a dismal mood, and a 'bless you' with a sneeze can remind us on what's really important. Little acts of kindness can change your world, and make it all seem better.

Kind deeds are good for the soul and spirit. When we routinely strive to be kind to ourselves and others we are investing in our happiness. People respond to generosity in kind. When you are regularly giving of good will, well wishes will be returned. Kind acts can be as simple as laughing when some one tells a joke, or letting some one in front of you while in line at the grocery store.

It is easy to be generous. Practicing kindness requires a willingness to give to yourself or others.
Tell yourself your plan or intention to be kind. Then act on your plan. If you follow these three steps everyday you will begin to find the rewards of giving - feeling good.

Caution, selfishness is not being kind to your self. Often we justify not giving as being generous to our selves, but this is just being stingy. You are kind to your self when you practice affirmative self-talk, take good care of your body through diet and exercise, and care for your spirit with hobbies, spirituality, or travel. Oh, and of course being kind to others is a form of self giving as well.

Vince Chiles, LCSW is the author of a self-published book Happiness in Five Minutes a Day which is scheduled to be released to the public 3/26/08. Information about Vince and his book can be obtained by going to

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